We’ve taken £150 off the rate for our Lakes Cottage with amazing views for the week 22- 29 April.
This is a prime spring week, when we think the bluebells will be looking good. You can’t rely on things happening at a certain time, but judging from past years, this will still be bluebell time. This is not a school holiday week, so the area won;t be packed out with families. We’re surprised that we haven’t already filled this week, so in an effort to encourage anyone who might be interested we’ve reduced the rate by £150, from the previous rate of £790 to just £640. You are welcome to bring your dog if you wish, at not extra charge. ( We assume your dog is well behaved- owners always tell us their dogs are well behaved!)

Bluebells near Brockstone Cottage
If you read the next blog post down you’ll see that this should coincide with the bluebells. More pictures of bluebells below, along with some other photos taken in the last week of April. These are taken on the beautiful walk from Brockstone Cottage to Rydal Village, and feature St Mary’s church Rydal (Wordsworth was behind the building of this pretty church), and also Rydal Hall. Click here for more information about the Gardens at Rydal Hall.
I’ve forgotten to mentions primroses- a picture below shows a lovely bunch growing near Brockstone Cottage. Photo taken this same end of April week. We hope you’re tempted….

Primroses on the path near Brockstone Cottage

Tulips at Rydal Hall

Rhododendrons in Rydal Village

More Bluebells